No to Infanticide

A witness in Parliament has recommended euthanasia for babies. Sign to say NO to Infanticide.

Infanticide is the killing of an infant soon after birth. Canada's euthanasia laws, called MAID (medical assistance in dying), are so unrestricted that one witness dared to say it should be expanded to infants. 

In Parliament’s committee on euthanasia, Louis Roy of the Quebec College of Physicians recommended expanding euthanasia to babies from birth to one year of age who come into the world with severe deformities and very serious syndromes”. This is nothing short of infanticide. [1]

Unfortunately, euthanasia access for children is not a new issue. In 2020, Carla Qualtrough, the Minister of Employment & Disability Inclusion, admitted: "I regularly hear from families who are appalled by the fact that they take their child, potentially their older child in and are offered unprovoked MAID." [2]

There is no place for infanticide in our society. Sign below to ensure that legal infanticide never becomes a reality in Canada.

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